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Utena OST 1: La Fillette Revolutionnaire 光宗信吉

Release: , Language: English, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: , Tracks: 36, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


1 Revolutionary Girl – overture ?:??
2 A Round Dance – revolution ?:??
3 Subtitle ?:??
4 Brightened Garden ?:??
5 School Scarlet (Utena’s Theme) ?:??
6 School Lyric ?:??
7 Jump Up Beauty ?:??
8 The Sigh of the Rose (Anthy’s Theme) ?:??
9 She Is Refined ?:??
10 Her Tragedy ?:??
11 Eros’ Dance ?:??
12 Heart’s Dice ?:??
13 Invisible Rose ?:??
14 Reminiscence Paradise ?:??
15 Death of Aphrodite ?:??
16 Brightened Garden – Illusion ?:??
17 A Person Who Shoots at the Sun ?:??
18 Passionate ?:??
19 The Memory of an Idea ?:??
20 Legend – The God’s Name Is Abraxas ?:??
21 Eye catch ?:??
22 Alien Kashira (A Silhouette Girl’s Theme) ?:??
23 The Revelation of Absolute Destiny ?:??
24 Duelists ?:??
25 Prayer to Dios ?:??
26 When Where Who Which (EP#1) ?:??
27 Inside the Body of the Paleozoic Era (EP#2) ?:??
28 Spira Mirabirisu Theater (EP#5) ?:??
29 Angel creation, namely light (EP#7) ?:??
30 Last Evolution (EP#10) ?:??
31 A Sealed Spell (EP#11) ?:??
32 No one talks about it (EP#12) ?:??
33 The Revelation of Absolute Destiny (Industrial mix) ?:??
34 The Announcement of the Next Time ?:??
35 truth ?:??
36 The Revelation of Absolute Destiny (Karaoke) ?:??

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. 少女革命ウテナ 絶対進化革命前夜, Japan (24 Jul 1997), CD (Japanese)
  2. Utena OST 1: La Fillette Revolutionnaire, United States (16 Mar 2004), CD (English)


  1. 絶対進化革命前夜, Taiwan (1998), CD (Japanese)