Fake Ending Preteen Pornstar

Release: 2007 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 13, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Dishonorable Discharge ?:??
2 Wieczność ?:??
3 The Guttersaint ?:??
4 Whampire ?:??
5 Dead Fucking Etards ?:??
6 They're Killing the Babies ?:??
7 Why Did You Oomsh Me Mommy? ?:??
8 If You Hear This You Will Die ?:??
9 Keine Reue ?:??
10 Wisława Szymborska's "Cat in an Empty Apartment" ?:??
11 Ill-Tempered Clavier ?:??
12 Dr Sbaitso Reads Sonic Rape Fanfiction ?:??
13 Cracks in Your Bleeding Shell (Listen Loud to Help Ease Panic Attacks) ?:??