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The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Game Music Soundtrack CD Set 近藤浩治

Release: 15 Nov 2000 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD, Tracks: 112, Length: 1:59:41, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 Title Theme 2:13
2 Opening 1:11
3 Chase 0:50
4 Cavern 1:44
5 Majora’s Theme 1:32
6 Clock Tower 1:39
7 Happy Mask Salesman’s Theme 0:53
8 Clock Town, First Day 1:29
9 Fairy’s Fountain 1:10
10 Mayor’s Meeting 1:36
11 Milk Bar 1:26
12 Guru‐Guru’s Song 1:16
13 Clock Town, Second Day 1:07
14 House 1:09
15 Kamaro’s Dance 1:09
16 Shop 1:14
17 Swordsman’s School 1:05
18 Get a Heart Container! 0:05
19 Clock Town, Third Day 1:09
20 Keaton’s Quiz 1:23
21 Shooting Gallery 1:13
22 Rosa Sisters 1:07
23 Mini Game 1:07
24 Last Day 2:08
25 Astral Observatory 1:24
26 Zelda’s Theme 1:41
27 Ocarina "Song of Time" 0:13
28 Ocarina "Song of Healing" 0:08
29 Song of Healing 1:23
30 Get the Ocarina! 0:12
31 Get a Mask! 0:07
32 Ocarina "Inverted Song of Time" 0:11
33 Ocarina "Song of Double Time" 0:12
34 Termina Field 1:31
35 Owl 1:07
36 Battle 1:36
37 Game Over 0:10
38 Open Treasure Box 0:10
39 Item Catch 0:05
40 Small Item Catch 0:05
41 Southern Swamp 1:44
42 Magic Hags’ Potion Shop 1:35
43 Woods of Mystery 1:14
44 Boat Cruise 1:55
45 Deku Palace 2:28
46 Ocarina "Sonata of Awakening" 0:06
47 Sonata of Awakening 0:25
48 Ocarina "Song of Soaring" 0:05
49 Song of Soaring 0:10
50 Woodfall Rises 0:06
51 Woodfall Temple 1:20
52 Middle Boss Battle 2:07
53 Southern Swamp Clears 0:19
54 Giants’ Theme 1:40
55 Ocarina "Oath to Order" 0:08
56 Oath to Order 0:25
57 Gorman Track 1:27
58 Horse Race 1:34
59 Horse Race Goal 0:07
CD #2
1 Mountain Village 1:46
2 Ocarina "Goron Lullaby Intro" 0:07
3 Goron Village 1:34
4 Ocarina "Goron Lullaby" 0:08
5 Goron Lullaby 0:27
6 Snowhead Temple 1:29
7 Boss Battle 2:14
8 Boss Clear 0:13
9 Snowhead Clear 0:25
10 Goron Race 1:27
11 Goron Race Goal 0:06
12 Frog Song 0:23
13 Romani Ranch 2:19
14 Ocarina "Epona’s Song" 0:10
15 Bremen March 0:53
16 Ghost Attack 1:04
17 Event Clear 0:09
18 Missed Event 1 0:07
19 Cremia’s Carriage 1:13
20 Missed Event 2 0:09
21 Great Bay Coast 1:36
22 Mikau 0:27
23 Marine Research Laboratory 1:37
24 Pirates’ Fortress 1:46
25 Zora Hall 1:33
26 Drums Practice 0:25
27 Bass Practice 0:27
28 Piano Practice 0:26
29 Bass & Guitar Session 0:34
30 Piano Solo 0:32
31 Ocarina "New Wave Bossa Nova" 0:07
32 New Wave Bossa Nova 0:27
33 Great Bay Temple 2:25
34 The Indigo‐Go’s 0:36
35 Ballad of the Wind Fish 0:20
36 Ikana Valley 2:09
37 Ocarina "Song of Storms" 0:08
38 Sharp’s Curse 1:13
39 Music Box House 1:46
40 Ikana Castle 1:57
41 Ocarina "Elegy of Emptiness" 0:07
42 Elegy of Emptiness 0:34
43 Stone Tower Temple 1:59
44 Stone Tower Temple Upside‐down 2:00
45 Calling the Four Giants 1:43
46 Tatl & Tael 1:25
47 To the Moon 0:52
48 Majora’s Mask Battle 1:49
49 Majora’s Incarnate Battle 1:50
50 Majora’s Wrath Battle 1:59
51 Moon’s Destruction 0:31
52 The Giants’ Exit 0:38
53 The End/Credits 6:21

Other Releases in Group (13)


  1. ゼルダの伝説 ムジュラの仮面 オリジナル・サウンドトラック, Japan (23 Jun 2000), CD + CD (Japanese)
  2. ゼルダの伝説 ムジュラの仮面 オリジナル・サウンドトラック, Japan (23 Jun 2002), CD + CD (Japanese)
  3. ゼルダの伝説 ムジュラの仮面3D オリジナルサウンドトラック, Japan (07 Oct 2015), CD + CD (Japanese)


  1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Original Soundtrack, Germany (17 Nov 2000), CD + CD (English)
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Original Soundtrack, Germany (2000), CD + CD (German) DE "Club Nintendo" give away
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Official Soundtrack, United States (20 Dec 2013), CD + CD (English)
  4. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Official Soundtrack, Canada (), CD + CD (English)


  1. The Legend of Zelda: ムジュラの仮面 オリジナル・サウンドトラック, Taiwan (2000), CD + CD (Japanese)
  2. The Legend of Zelda: ムジュラの仮面 オリジナル・サウンドトラック, Taiwan (2001), CD + CD (Japanese)
  3. The Legend of Zelda: ムジュラの仮面 オリジナル・サウンドトラック, Taiwan (2003), CD + CD (Japanese)


  1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Soundtrack, Japan (23 Jun 2000), CD + CD (English) 2000 recordings
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D Original Sound Track, Japan (07 Oct 2015), CD + CD (English)

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