Themes From Vapourspace Vapourspace

Release: Feb 1994 Canada, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: 12" Vinyl + 12" Vinyl, Tracks: 12, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


12" Vinyl #1
A1 Anaximander's Time Stick (Vela Residuum-Inerlacing Nix) ?:??
A2 Gravitational Arch of 10 (Archos Gravitationis) ?:??
A3 Cosmic Dance of Shiva (Perplex Vishnu-Adherent Ov Perplex Siva) ?:??
A4 Degaussing Atmospheric Charges (Onsumi Fallacy) ?:??
AA1 Space Walk (Uranic Myrigth) ?:??
AA2 Paradox of Time Dilation ((Rasch Setl Agenes Tima)) ?:??
AA3 Vista Humana (Seofon.20.Syxtig-9, Konquest) ?:??
12" Vinyl #2
AAA1 Theme From Vapour Space (Petulantis, Lourd Treper) ?:??
AAA2 The Vapourdome (Al4-Mandori Gellan) ?:??
AAA3 Opiate Tea (Carblanche Nova) ?:??
AAAA1 Outer Galactic Gravity Arc (Epi-Tithenai Seronetta) ?:??
AAAA2 Anaximander's Time Loop ((?(Determinatif) ?:??

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. Themes From Vapourspace, United Kingdom (Feb 1994), CD (English)
  2. Themes From Vapourspace, United States (Feb 1994), CD (English)

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