The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Volume II - The Lost Tracks 近藤浩治

Release: 1999 Germany, Language: German, Status: Promotion
Format: CD, Tracks: 23, Length: 56:05, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 Prelude der Weisheit 1:18
2 Feenflug 0:44
3 Baumhaus 1:07
4 Gefahr im Verzug 2:12
5 Deku Baum 2:40
6 Gohma 2:29
7 Glück & Schicksal 1:04
8 Mut & Kraft 2:18
9 Dodongos Höhle 2:27
10 King Dodongo 2:11
11 Lord Jabu Jabu 1:18
12 Ganondorf 1:12
13 Shiek 1:02
14 Eishöhle 1:06
15 Höllengrund 1:51
16 Ganons Schloß 3:38
17 Rendezvous Fatal 2:23
18 Flucht nach vorne 1:15
19 Kampf der Legenden 3:08
20 Finale der Glückseligkeit 6:42
21 Hyrule (Princess „Z“ Trigger mix) 4:12
22 Salias Lied (Spooky Groovy remix) 4:40
23 Waldtempel (X-Dream Trance version) 4:57

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Volume II - The Lost Tracks, Germany (1999), CD (German)


  1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Volume II - The Lost Tracks, Germany (1999), CD (English) English translation
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Volume II - The Lost Tracks, Germany (1999), CD (English) English translation

Links (2)



