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Tales of the Abyss NAMCO TALES STUDIO / Motoo Fujiwara

Release: , Language: English, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 115, Length: 4:28:00, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other
English-only titles


CD #1
1 Abyss 1:01
2 Prologue 1:24
3 The Place of Relaxation 3:35
4 Crisis 1:06
5 The Arrow Was Shot 3:21
6 Victory 0:38
7 New World 2:52
8 Wedge 2:32
9 The Grocer's Village 3:17
10 Cheagle Woods 1:43
11 Serious 1:43
12 Pleasantness 1:29
13 Miserable Spectacle 0:46
14 Fang Which Wants Blood 5:09
15 Tartaros 1:55
16 Oracle - Coercion 3:23
17 Confrontation 0:46
18 Awkward Justice 6:19
19 The Fortified City 3:16
20 Fubras River 1:52
21 Oracle - Sorrow 3:43
22 The Frontier Fortress 2:11
23 Van 2:53
24 Port Town 2:06
25 Coral Castle 2:15
26 Oracle - Conspiracy 3:25
27 Casvelt Ferry 2:06
28 The Distribution Base 3:41
29 The Frequenter 1:35
CD #2
1 The Royal City of Light 4:03
2 Kingdom of Sky 4:27
3 Abandoned Factory 1:47
4 Meeting 0:46
5 Desert Oasis 3:35
6 Zao Ruins 2:12
7 Deo Pass 1:43
8 The Mining Town 3:01
9 Akzeruth Tunnel 14 2:02
10 Shurrey Hills 2:01
11 Van - Truth 3:05
12 Scramble 3:18
13 Akzeruth's Collapse 0:49
14 Qliphoth 2:56
15 The City of Guardians 3:35
16 Tartaros Surfacing 0:40
17 The City of Sound Machines 3:28
18 Wyon Mirrored Cave 2:24
19 Wish and Sadness 1:09
20 In Between 1 and 0 0:50
21 Aramis Flooded Caverns 2:01
22 The Edge of a Decision 3:30
23 Guilt, Duty and... 4:09
24 The Lorelei Order's Base 3:07
25 Oracle Headquarters 2:12
26 The Silvery Snowland 3:13
27 Casino 2:48
28 Theor Forest 2:07
CD #3
1 The Floating Imperial City 3:25
2 Blue Royal Palace 2:35
3 The City of Craftsmen 3:17
4 Wing of Hope 2:46
5 St. Binah's Collapse 1:06
6 Nature Dungeon 2:02
7 War Breaks Out 1:44
8 Cassadonia's Collapse 0:28
9 Guidepost 2:11
10 Kingdom of Sky - Confused 4:14
11 Belief 2:08
12 Tartaros Charging In 0:45
13 Mt. Roneal 1:04
14 Zaleho Volcano 1:59
15 Feres Island 2:08
16 Game Over 0:39
17 The Hidden Village 2:47
18 Theme of Mini Game 1:02
19 Tales of DB Theme 0:56
20 Tales of DB Room Guarder 0:22
21 Tales of DB Ending 0:36
22 Tales of DB Game Over 0:07
23 Mushroom Road 0:48
24 Sign of the Quiet Dark 1:10
25 Relic of Wandering Frenzy 1:04
26 Flow When Being Dammed Up 1:03
27 Arena 4:13
28 Everlasting Fight 7:22
29 Eternal Mind 2:36
CD #4
1 The Last Chapter 4:34
2 Never Surrender 3:21
3 Farthest Place 2:19
4 Farthest Place - Premonition 2:19
5 Farthest Place - Threat 2:19
6 At the Time of Farewell 5:27
7 Van's Death 0:54
8 Parting and... 1:54
9 Hod Surfacing 0:46
10 Sheaf of Soul 4:16
11 Mirrors 2:10
12 The Sky Clears 0:45
13 Farthest Place - Glint 2:17
14 Happiness in My Hand 4:22
15 The Decisive Battle A 0:31
16 The Decisive Battle B 0:19
17 The Glorious Land Eldrant 2:23
18 Meaning of Birth 2:41
19 Promise 1:19
20 Crimson Pride 5:51
21 Time to Raise the Cross 2:22
22 A Place in the Sun 2:18
23 Finish the Promise 3:01
24 On Behalf of All Things... 0:21
25 Lorelei's Revival 2:26
26 Your Appearance That Day 3:34
27 The Score ~song by Tear~ 1:32
28 Prayer to the Starry Sky 0:39
29 Overflowing Emotion, Reunion 1:23

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. テイルズ オブ ジ アビス オリジナル・サウンドトラック, Japan (22 Mar 2006), CD + CD + CD + CD (Japanese)
  2. テイルズ オブ ジ アビス オリジナルサウンドトラック, Japan (22 Dec 2022), Digital Media + Digital Media (Japanese)