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The Concert Arias Mozart; Kiri Te Kanawa, Edita Gruberová, Teresa Berganza, Krisztina Laki, Elfriede Hobarth, Gösta Winbergh, Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Fernando Corena

Release: 01 Sep 1997 United States, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 51, Length: 5:41:28, Barcode: 028945524122
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 272 "Ah, lo previdi"..."Ah, t'invola agl'occhi miei" 12:17
2 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 583 "Vado, ma dove?" 4:11
3 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 79 (KV 73d) "O temerario Arbace!"..."Per quel paterno" 6:41
4 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 582 "Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia" 3:24
5 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 490 "Non più. Tutto ascoltai"..."Non temer, amato bene" 10:02
6 Recitative and aria for soprano and orchestra, KV 528 "Bella mia fiamma, addio!"..."Resta, o cara!" 9:12
7 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra. KV 383 "Nehmt meinen Dank, ihr holden Gönner" 3:39
8 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 580 "Schon lacht der holde Frühling" 7:51
9 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 78 (KV 73b) "Per pietà, bell'idol mio" 4:40
10 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 369 "Misera, Dove Son"..."Ah! non son io" 6:52
11 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 579 "Un moto di gioia mi sento" 1:36
CD #2
1 Recitative and Aria for soprano and Orchestra, KV (2) 486a (KV 295a) "Basta, vincesti"..."Ah, non lasciarmi" 5:59
2 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 578 "Alma grande e nobil core" 4:25
3 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 374 "A questo seno deh vieni"..."Or che il cielo" 8:41
4 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 83 (KV 73p) "Se tutti i mali miei" 6:51
5 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 217 "Voi avete un cor fedele" 6:45
6 Recitative and Aria for Contralto and Orchestra, KV 255 "Ombra felice!"..."Io ti lascio" 8:17
7 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 77 (KV 73e) "Misero me!"..."Misero pargoletto" 12:10
8 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 577 "Giunse alfin il momento"..."Al desio di chi t'adora" 7:31
9 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 82 (KV 73o) "Se ardire, e speranza" 6:47
CD #3
1 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 23 "Conservati fedele" 7:18
2 Recitative and Aria for Soprano, Piano and Orchestra, KV 505 "Ch'io mi scordi di te"..."Non temer, amato bene" 9:40
3 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 88 (KV 73c) "Fra cento affanni e cento" 9:48
4 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 74b "Non curo l'affetto" 5:01
5 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 178 (KV 417e) "Ah, spiegarti, o Dio" 3:43
6 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 119 (KV 382h) "Der Liebe himmlisches Gefühl" 5:59
7 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 294a "Alcandro, Io confesso"..."Non só d'onde viene" 9:01
8 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 294b "Non só d'onde viene" 7:21
9 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 538 "Ah se in ciel, benigne stelle" 7:22
CD #4
1 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 368 "Ma che vi fece"..."Sperai vicino il lido" 8:23
2 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 416 "Mia speranza adorata"..."Ah, non sai qual pena" 8:34
3 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 418 "Vorrei spiegarvi, o Dio" 6:14
4 Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 419 "No, che non sei capace" 4:37
5 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 70 (KV 61c) "A Berenice"..."Sol nascente" 11:49
6 Recitative and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra, KV 316 (KV 300b) "Popoli di Tessaglia"..."Io non chiedo" 10:28
7 Aria for Tenor and Orchestra, KV 21 (KV 19c) "Va, dal furor portata" 6:24
8 Aria for Tenor and Orchestra, KV 209 "Si mostra la sorte" 3:35
9 Aria for Tenor and Orchestra, KV 210 "Con ossequio, con rispetto" 2:47
10 Recitative and Aria for Tenor and Orchestra, KV 431 (KV 425b) "Misero! o sogno"..."Aura che intorno spiri" 10:17
CD #5
1 Aria for Tenor and Orchestra "Clarice cara mia sposa", KV 256 1:45
2 Recitative and Aria for Tenor and Orchestra "Se al labbro mio non credi"..."Il cor dolente", KV 295 11:33
3 Recitative and Aria for Tenor and Orchestra "Or che il dover"..."Tali e cotanti sono", KV 36 (KV 33i) 9:39
4 Aria for Tenor and Orchestra "Per pietà, non ricercate", KV 420 6:33
5 Aria for Bass and Orchestra (fragment) "Warnung" ("Männer suchen stets zu naschen"), KV 433 (KV 416c) 2:14
6 Aria for Bass and Orchestra "Ich möchte wohl der Kaiser sein!", KV 539 2:52
7 Aria for Bass and Orchestra "Mentre ti lascio, o figlia", KV 513 8:03
8 Recitative and Aria for Bass and Orchestra "Così dunque tradisci"..."Aspri rimorsi atroci", KV 432 (KV 421a) 4:22
9 Aria for Bass and Orchestra "Un bacio di mano", KV 541 2:10
10 Recitative and Aria for Bass and Orchestra "Alcandro, Io confesso"..."Non so d'onde viene", KV 512 5:26
11 Aria for Bass and Orchestra "Rivolgete a lui lo sguardo", KV 584 4:53
12 Aria for Bass, Double Bass and Orchestra "Per questa bella mano", KV 612 5:25

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