Forest Records presents...X Various Artists

Release: , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 22, Length: 1:18:47, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Seventeen or More 2:55
2 Kennoway and Star 4:26
3 Pillars 2:33
4 Is It Me? 2:26
5 Holes in Walls 4:00
6 Big Dub 4:39
7 In Any Case 3:43
8 Echo Plex 4:56
9 Walker 4:12
10 The Cuckoo 4:07
11 (bonus) (Level) (Track) 4:01
12 Right Now 3:10
13 Time Out 4:32
14 Polygon Faced 2:07
15 Going Down 2:53
16 Moochin 3:35
17 Second One 3:31
18 Mr Creepy 3:38
19 Zombie Girl 2:17
20 Roses From Africa 5:16
21 The Duke and Pines 3:44
22 End Theme 1:58