Eats You Micropupazzo

Release: , Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 15, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Rerun ?:??
2 Ootatoi ?:??
3 Apoteke Diskoteke ?:??
4 Gatcha Ska ?:??
5 Eh Boh ?:??
6 Gli Inarrivabili ?:??
7 Ikea vs. Igay ?:??
8 Laziomerda ?:??
9 Nasty Panino ?:??
10 Nutella Rosa ?:??
11 Ottovolante ?:??
12 Sarin Over Brema ?:??
13 The Day After Porchetta ?:??
14 Uen Is Uor Is Uor ?:??
15 The Second Coming ?:??