Sacred Music by Russian Composers - Choir Concerts of XVIII-XIX century Various Artists

Release: , Language: , Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 12, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Cast Me Not Off in the Time of Old Age ?:??
2 Under Thy Mercy We Gather, O Theotokos ?:??
3 O Thou the Only Begotten Son ?:??
4 Cherubim Hymn no. 6 ?:??
5 The Angel Sang to the Blessed, Pure Virgin Rejoice ?:??
6 Thou, O God, We Glorify, no. 1 ?:??
7 To Repentance Open the Path, O Lifegiver ?:??
8 In the Prayers of the Indefatigable Theotokos ?:??
9 Lord, Not With Thy Sury Extoseth ?:??
10 Eateth and See, That the Lord Is Generous ?:??
11 God Ascendeth in Exclanation ?:??
12 This Day the Lord Is Born in Bethlehem ?:??