No Data Radiohead

Release: , Language: English, Status: Bootleg
Format: , Tracks: 14, Length: 1:4:57, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Live


1 Karma Police 4:14
2 The Bends 4:29
3 Exit Music (for a Film) 4:28
4 Subterranean Homesick Alien 4:38
5 My Iron Lung 5:26
6 No Surprises 3:47
7 Bones 3:16
8 Paranoid Android 6:34
9 Fake Plastic Trees 5:00
10 Street Spirit (Fade Out) 5:10
11 Climbing Up the Walls 4:18
12 Exit Music (for a Film) 4:30
13 No Surprises 3:49
14 Talk Show Host 5:14

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. Live at the 10 Spot, (), (English)
  2. Tourism, (), (English)
  3. Live at the 10 Spot, (), (English)