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Praise 1: The Praise Album Maranatha! Music

Release: , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 21, Length: 1:14:09, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


1 Praise the Lord 4:23
2 Father I Adore You 2:53
3 Heavenly Father 4:37
4 Praise the Lord Together 1:27
5 Thy Loving Kindness 2:40
6 Set My Spirit Free 3:39
7 Bring My Body Closer 4:07
8 Love (One Another) 2:57
9 Seek Ye First 3:07
10 Cause Me to Come 3:25
11 Holy, Thou Art Holy 3:01
12 Peace Give I to Thee 3:21
13 Praise You Father (instrumental) 4:33
14 Sing to the Father (instrumental) 2:54
15 Father, I Adore You (instrumental) 3:17
16 Praise the Lord (instrumental) 5:15
17 Unto Thee O Lord (instrumental) 3:30
18 Sing Hallelujah (instrumental) 3:10
19 Open Our Eyes (instrumental) 4:47
20 Light Our Way (instrumental) 3:37
21 My Peace (instrumental) 3:19

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. The Praise Album, United Kingdom (1974), Vinyl (English)
  2. The Praise Album, United States (1974), 12" Vinyl (English)
  3. Praise 1: The Praise Album, [Worldwide] (), Digital Media (English)