Imagine Ofra Harnoy

Release: , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 19, Length: 1:3:14, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Free as a Bird 3:54
2 Eleanor Rigby 2:13
3 Here, There and Everywhere 2:40
4 In My Life 2:59
5 And I Love Her 2:11
6 When I'm Sixty-Four 2:54
7 Michelle 3:33
8 Nowhere Man 2:55
9 Yesterday 2:28
10 Girl 3:08
11 Across the Universe 3:50
12 Here Comes the Sun 3:07
13 Norwegian Wood / For No One 4:29
14 She's Leaving Home 3:31
15 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds 4:04
16 Octopus's Garden 2:53
17 Imagine 3:26
18 Hey Jude 4:24
19 Golden Slumbers / Carry That Weight / The End 4:26