Gourd Musical Instruments Various Artists

Release: , Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 45, Length: 1:13:24, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


CD #1
1 Berimbau musical bow from Brazil 0:32
2 Balafon, bass kalimba, drums, mbira, rattles from Africa 5:36
3 Shekere net covered rattle from Africa and the Caribbean 1:50
4 Balafon xylophone from Senegal 1:12
5 Dan bau one string monochord from Vietnam 2:11
6 Kse diev one string zither from Cambodia 2:34
7 Banjo African derived lute from the United States 1:45
8 Clarinet United States 1:11
9 Huluse melodic gourd flute from China 0:35
10 Sitar India 2:22
11 Shekere Africa, Caribbean 2:16
12 Hula 'ulili 'yo-yo' rattle from Hawaii 1:12
13 Slot flute Native American love flute 1:15
14 Mbira, hosho traditional instruments from Zimbabwe 2:13
15 Kora harp-lute from West Africa 3:02
16 Water drum Africa, Meza-America 1:51
17 Berimbau, caxixi from Brazil 1:12
18 Didgeridoo Australia 1:51
19 Didgeridoo, Huluse, drum, caxixi from Australia, Southern China, Africa, Brazil 2:35
20 Bin snake charmer flute from India 1:07
21 Bin India 1:11
22 Pigeon Flutes China 1:47
23 Kite Flutes China 0:51
24 Kite Flutes China 0:17
25 Rainstick Mezo-America 0:44
26 Ocean drum Mezo-America 1:02
27 Ipu heke Hawaii 2:08
28 Hokiokio nose flute from Hawaii 0:15
29 Hokiokio nose flute from Hawaii 0:12
30 Balafon, drum, rattles, flute, water-drum Africa, Mezo-America 4:18
31 Chopi xylophone from Mozambique 1:56
32 Keluri Borneo 1:42
33 Sumpotan Indonesia 1:35
34 Naw Thailand 1:08
35 Naw Thailand 1:04
36 Banjo United States 1:36
37 Bro Vietnam 1:00
38 Goong Tube zither from Vietnam 0:39
39 Mbuat Vietnam 0:29
40 Bass clarinet United States 0:24
41 Matafono Uruguay 0:34
42 Kalimba South Africa 1:53
43 Water drums, flute, rattles from Mezo America 5:07
44 Guiro Central and South America 0:16
45 Ektar, gopichard, gubgubbi from India 2:34