Genetic Predisposition Vulgar Pigeons

Release: , Language: , Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 17, Length: 23:25, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Pukeweed 1:35
2 Taken From 1:29
3 Quiet 0:10
4 Uti 1:30
5 Adv of Doom Rogers 2:54
6 Citric Snot 1:37
7 Et in the Gutter 1:15
8 Nothing Left 1:31
9 [silence] 0:04
10 Vodka and Salsa 0:55
11 Carney Lansford 1:56
12 De Atras Para a Delante 1:08
13 Citric Snot (live) 2:31
14 Skullcap (live) 1:22
15 Seasick (live) 0:20
16 Tfs (live) 1:21
17 Nothing Left (live) 1:38