Welcome to Terreiro Gangrena Gasosa

Release: , Language: Portuguese, Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 12, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Troops of Olodum ?:??
2 Gangrena Gasosa ?:??
3 Saravá Metal ?:??
4 Pegue Santo or Die ?:??
5 Fist Fuck Agrédi ?:??
6 Protesto Concreto ?:??
7 Welcome to Terreiro ?:??
8 Exú Noise Terror ?:??
9 Thraxangô ?:??
10 Gangrena Venérea ?:??
11 Despacho From Hell ?:??
12 Pomba Gyra ?:??