State of Independence Donna Summer

Release: , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 6, Length: 39:52, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


1 State of Independence (New radio Millenium mix) 5:03
2 State of Independence (Creation mix) 5:46
3 State of Independence (original album version) 5:52
4 State of Independence (DJ Dero vocal mix) 8:20
5 State of Independence (Murk club mix) 8:25
6 State of Independence (Jules & Skins vocal) 6:24

Other Releases in Group (4)


  1. State of Independence, United States (1982), Vinyl (English)
  2. State of Independence, Europe (1990), CD (English)
  3. State of Independence, Australia (1990), Vinyl (English)
  4. State of Independence, Europe (1990), CD (English)