#1 |
1 | Super Mario Brothers 1: Overworld Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
2 | Super Mario Brothers 1: Underworld Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
3 | Super Mario Brothers 1: Castle Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
4 | Super Mario Brothers 1: Star Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
5 | Super Mario Brothers 1: Underwater Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
6 | Super Mario Brothers 2: Ending Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
7 | Super Mario Brothers 3: Overworld Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
8 | Super Mario World 1: Title Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
9 | Super Mario World 1: Ghost House Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
10 | Super Mario World 1: Ending Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
11 | Super Mario World 1: Air Platform Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
12 | Final Fantasy VI: Kefka | ?:?? | |||||||||
13 | Final Fantasy VII: Prelude | ?:?? | |||||||||
14 | Final Fantasy VII: Cid's Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
15 | Final Fantasy VIII: Balamb Garden | ?:?? | |||||||||
16 | Final Fantasy IX: Melodies of Life | ?:?? | |||||||||
17 | Final Fantasy X: Away to Zanarkand | ?:?? | |||||||||
18 | Final Fantasy X: Lulu's Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
19 | Final Fantasy X: Silence Before the Storm | ?:?? | |||||||||
20 | Final Fantasy Ending Theme | ?:?? | |||||||||
21 | Super Mario Brothers 2: Overworld Theme | ?:?? |