Agri Zindow The Kâmkârs

Release: , Language: , Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 9, Length: 1:0:46, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Krass Koudari (Koudari Shirt) 6:59
2 Cherikeye-E Kow (Partridge Clamour) 6:47
3 Show Cheray-E Diwakhan (The House Torch) 6:23
4 Faragh Ya Kanyan 9:31
5 Das Ra Balangar (Spin Your Scarf) 7:34
6 Lankola (The Cradle) 8:24
7 Koulan Be Koulan (Alley to Alley) 5:36
8 Bar Hal Bena (The Apron) 6:02
9 Extra Instrumental 3:25

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