Lucia di Lammermoor: Atto I, Scena 1. (no. 1) Preludio e coro d'introduzione “Percorrete le spiagge vicine” (Normanno, Coro)

Creators (1)


  1. Gaetano Donizetti Italian opera composer

Related Works (4)

Part Of

  1. Lucia di Lammermoor: Atto I number

Later Versions

  1. Lucia of Lammermoor: Part I. Prelude
  2. Lucia of Lammermoor: Part I. "Through the park and the woods that surround it" (Normanno, Chorus) translated
  3. Lucie de Lammermoor, Acte I: No. 1. Introduction & chœur: « Couronnez la crête des montagnes » (Gilbert, Chœur) translated