

Creators (1)


  1. ZUN Team Shanghai Alice

Related Works (7)

Part Of

  1. ダブルスポイラー 〜 東方文花帖


  1. Isolation of shutter
  2. shoot the speed
  3. 望郷 ~ Departure
  4. Wind Shooter

Is The Basis For

  1. sheep’s clothing (2018 Update)
  2. 瞬環フォトグラフィー

Recordings (6)

  1. ネメシスの要塞 3:13 by 上海アリス幻樂団 (14 Mar 2010)
  2. 星の夢 5:24 cover by Undefined Field (13 Jun 2010)
  3. ネメシスの要塞 5:21 cover by Golden City Factory (30 Dec 2010)
  4. アクシズも要塞 4:14 cover by Mohican Sandbag (30 Dec 2010)
  5. 遠い空の先へ 3:21 cover by ししまい3号 (30 Dec 2013)
  6. ネメシスの要塞 3:45 cover by TAMUSIC (13 Aug 2016)