Cants màgics: III. Profond-lent

Creators (1)


  1. Federico Mompou composer and pianist

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. Cants màgics

Recordings (5)

  1. Cants mágics: III. Profond. Lent 2:02 by Stephen Hough (12 Aug 1997)
  2. Cants magics: Profound - lent 3:09 by Jordi Masó (Nov 1999)
  3. Cants mágics: Profond - lent 2:26 by Jean‐François Heisser (2001)
  4. Cants màgics: No. 3. Profond - Lent 2:26 by Jean‐François Heisser (23 Aug 2018)
  5. Cants màgics: Profond-lent 2:16 by Federico Mompou ()