Всенощное бдение, op. 37: 14. Тропарь. Воскрес из гроба

 Also known as (1)

Creators (1)


  1. Сергей Рахманинов Russian composer

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. Всенощное бдение, op. 37

Recordings (8)

  1. All-Night Vigil, Op. 37 "Vespers": XIV. Tropar. Voskres iz groba 4:18 by Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов (Mar 1991)
  2. All-Night Vespers, op. 37: Tropar': Voskres iz groba 3:07 by Sergei Rachmaninov (11 Feb 2003)
  3. Vespers, op. 37: Christ is risen from the grave 3:34 by Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов (2008)
  4. All Night Vigil - Op. 37: XIV. Воскрес из гроба - Voskres iz groba 2:32 by Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival Choir (2013)
  5. All-Night Vigil, Op. 37: Troparion "Thou Didst Rise From the Tomb" 4:32 by Sergei Rachmaninoff (01 Feb 2017)
  6. All-Night Vigil, Op. 37 "Vespers": XIVa. Troparion. Thou Didst Rise from the Tomb 2:33 partial by Rachmaninoff (Jan 2023)
  7. All-Night Vigil, Op. 37 "Vespers": XIVb. Troparion. Thou Didst Rise from the Tomb 3:31 partial by Rachmaninoff (Jan 2023)
  8. Vespers: XIV. Voskres iz groba 2:37 by Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival Choir ()