Josephslegende, op. 63


Creators (1)


  1. Richard Strauss German composer

Related Works (70)


  1. Josephslegende, op. 63: Second Figure Of The Dance (i)
  2. Josephslegende, op. 63: Soon, With Lascivious Gestures...
  3. Josephslegende, op. 63: One Senses How The Boxers...
  4. Josephslegende, op. 63: Suddenly The Latter Throw Themselves On Each Other And Begin To Box
  5. Josephslegende, op. 63: They Interrupt The Fight...
  6. Josephslegende, op. 63: Potiphar Makes A Sign And The Two Mulattos...
  7. Josephslegende, op. 63: Potiphar's Wife, Who Is Still Holding The Collar High In The Air...
  8. Josephslegende, op. 63: When She Touches Him...
  9. Josephslegende, op. 63: At First, Joseph Stands There Motionless...
  10. Josephslegende, op. 63: Joseph Stands Motionless...
  11. Josephslegende, op. 63: Suddenly A Dull Silence Falls
  12. Josephslegende, op. 63: For A Moment She Stands There As Though Purged Of Her Violent Passion
  13. Josephslegende, op. 63: Behind This Veil Of Light...
  14. Josephslegende, op. 63: She Falls Back Dead Into The Arms Of Her Women
  15. Josephslegende, op. 63: (untitled)
  16. Josephslegende, op. 63: The First Slave Sets The Bowl With Gems Before Potiphar's Wife
  17. Josephslegende, op. 63: Procession And Dance Of The Women
  18. Josephslegende, op. 63: Then The Unveiled Women...
  19. Josephslegende, op. 63: First Figure Of The Dance
  20. Josephslegende, op. 63: Third Figure Of The Dance (i)
  21. Josephslegende, op. 63: Again The Unveiled Women Pace...
  22. Josephslegende, op. 63: But Suddenly A Dancer Emerges From Their Midst...
  23. Josephslegende, op. 63: Sulamith's Dance Comes To An End
  24. Josephslegende, op. 63: The Sheik Bows Before Potiphar ...
  25. Josephslegende, op. 63: The Boxers Begin A Sort Of Dance...
  26. Josephslegende, op. 63: The Sheik Again Beckons To The Young Oriental On The Gallery...
  27. Josephslegende, op. 63: Then Potiphar Makes A Sign And His Armed Men Step In
  28. Josephslegende, op. 63: The Sheik Bows Again And Gestures Upwards Again
  29. Josephslegende, op. 63: The Sheik Goes Up To Him...
  30. Josephslegende, op. 63: The Harpists, Flutists And Boys With Cymbals Begin To Play...
  31. Josephslegende, op. 63: Meanwhile He Makes Four Leaps In The Four Directions Of The Compass...
  32. Josephslegende, op. 63: Third Figure Of The Dance (ii)
  33. Josephslegende, op. 63: Suddenly His Leaping Takes On Something Somewhat Heavy...
  34. Josephslegende, op. 63: Fourth Figure Of The Dance
  35. Josephslegende, op. 63: After Joseph Has Given Expression To The Heights Of Lightness And Joy...
  36. Josephslegende, op. 63: Potiphar Gestures To Have The Tables Cleared
  37. Josephslegende, op. 63: Evening Falls
  38. Josephslegende, op. 63: Then He Rises...
  39. Josephslegende, op. 63: Then A Door In The Right Wall Opens And Potiphar's Wife...
  40. Josephslegende, op. 63: She Straightens Up And For A Moment She Stands There As If Frozen...
  41. Josephslegende, op. 63: Then Joseph's Stillness Is Broken...
  42. Josephslegende, op. 63: For A Moment, Joseph Stays There On The Ground...
  43. Josephslegende, op. 63: She Puts Both Arms Around Him...
  44. Josephslegende, op. 63: Naked From Shoulder To Waist...
  45. Josephslegende, op. 63: All In Vain; He Does Not Bow Down Towards Her...
  46. Josephslegende, op. 63: Suddenly, As Though They Had Heard A Noise...
  47. Josephslegende, op. 63: Potiphar's Wife Rises Up In Passion...
  48. Josephslegende, op. 63: Now The Young Slave Girl...
  49. Josephslegende, op. 63: And Now, Also From Stage Right...
  50. Josephslegende, op. 63: These Figures Of The Dance Must Rush Past As Quickly As A Dream
  51. Josephslegende, op. 63: Second Figure Of The Dance (ii)
  52. Josephslegende, op. 63: Now The Young Slave Girl Brings Potiphar's Wife...
  53. Josephslegende, op. 63: For A Moment She Holds The Coat...
  54. Josephslegende, op. 63: Suddenly And Violently...
  55. Josephslegende, op. 63: Potiphar Looks At Her For A Moment And Then At Joseph...
  56. Josephslegende, op. 63: At The Moment That The Two Torturers Take Hold Of Joseph...
  57. Josephslegende, op. 63: Fear, And Ultimately Horror Takes Over
  58. Josephslegende, op. 63: Suddenly The Glow Of The Flames Rises Up Again...
  59. Josephslegende, op. 63: A Ray Of Light Comes From The Star...
  60. Josephslegende, op. 63: Smoothly Flying...
  61. Josephslegende, op. 63: At The Same Moment His Chains Shatter And Fall To The Ground...
  62. Josephslegende, op. 63: Potiphar's Wife Stretches Both Arms Stiffly Out...
  63. Josephslegende, op. 63: At This Moment...
  64. Josephslegende, op. 63: Horrified, Potiphar Slowly Shrinks Back
  65. Josephslegende, op. 63: Joseph And The Angel Stride Onwards...
  66. Josephslegende, op. 63: A Vast Pillared Hall In The Palladian Style
  67. Josephslegende, op. 63: Each Of Them Approaches The Dais...
  68. Josephslegende, op. 63: The Slave With The Gems
  69. Josephslegende, op. 63: The Slave With The Carpet
  70. Josephslegende, op. 63: The Slave With The Two White Greyhounds