Iolanthe: Act I
Creators (2)
Arthur Sullivan
W.S. Gilbert
Related Works (15)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 6, Chorus, “Loudly Let the Trumpets Bray” (Peers)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 2 “Iolanthe! From Thy Dark Exile Thou Art Summoned” (Queen, Iolanthe, Celia, Leila, Chorus of Fairies)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 3 “Good-Morrow, Good Mother” (Strephon, Chorus of Fairies)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 4 “Fare Thee Well, Attractive Stranger” (Queen, Chorus of Fairies)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 4a “Good-Morrow, Good Lover” (Phyllis, Strephon)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 5 “None Shall Part Us From Each Other” (Phyllis, Strephon)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 7 “The Law Is the True Embodiment” (Lord Chancellor, Chorus of Peers)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 8 “My Well-Loved Lord…” (Phyllis, Tolloller, Mountararat, Peers)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 9 “Nay, Tempt Me Not” (Phyllis, Peers)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 10 “Spurn Not the Nobly Born” (Tolloller, Peers)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 11 “My Lords, It May Not Be…” (Phyllis, Tolloller, Mountararat, Strephon, Lord Chancellor, Peers)
Iolanthe: Act I, no. 12 “When I Went to the Bar” (Lord Chancellor)
Iolanthe: Act I Finale, no. 13 “When Darkly Looms the Day…” (Ensemble)
Iolanthe: Act I “Tripping Hither, Tripping Thither” (Celia, Leila, Chorus of Fairies)