Improvisation no. 11 in G minor

Creators (1)


  1. Francis Poulenc pianist and composer

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. 2 Improvisations, FP 113

Recordings (4)

  1. 15 Improvisations: No. 11 in G minor 0:45 by Gabriel Tacchino (1988)
  2. 15 Improvisations: no. 11 1:07 by Paul Crossley (17 May 1990)
  3. Improvisation no. 11 in G minor 0:51 by Pascal Rogé (1990)
  4. Quinze Improvisations : No. 11. en sol mineur 0:53 by Makiko Suzumura (26 Nov 2021)