Surface of SR388

Metroid II: Return of Samus

Creators (1)


  1. 吉冨亮二

Related Works (7)

Part Of

  1. Metroid II: Return of Samus

Referred To In Medleys

  1. SR388


  1. Initial Descent
  2. Surface of SR-388
  3. Forlorn Descent
  4. Surface 1 (Ambience)
  5. Staff Roll

Recordings (10)

  1. Metroid II — SR388 2:01 cover by Entertainment System (20 Jan 2006)
  2. The Tunnel 4:30 cover by Stemage (2007)
  3. The Tunnel (M2) 4:13 cover by Metroid Metal (08 Sep 2009) Metroid Metal (Varia Suite)
  4. Samus Voyage 12:57 medley, cover by HiScore (17 Nov 2012)
  5. SR388 2:08 cover by Bit Brigade (25 Jan 2015)
  6. Surface of SR388 2:08 cover by DavidKBD (13 Aug 2017) Metroid: Huntress
  7. The Motherworld 4:37 medley, cover by Mozzaratti (06 Aug 2021) Harmony of a Hunter Returns
  8. Main Caves 4:21 by 吉冨亮二 () Metroid II: Return of Samus (Metroid Database Release)
  9. Enter SR388 2:19 by 吉冨亮二 () Metroid II: Return of Samus, game-rip bootleg
  10. The Tunnel 4:10 cover by Metroid Metal () Metroid Metal (site)

Links (1)

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