VS. Gandrayda

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

 Also known as (1)

Creators (3)


  1. 田島賢
  2. 濱野美奈子
  3. 山本健誌 video game composer

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Recordings (3)

  1. ガンドレイダ 4:21 by 山本健誌 (15 Sep 2017) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Samus Archives
  2. Chronicles of Samus 24:39 medley, cover by HiScore (06 Aug 2021) Harmony of a Hunter Returns
  3. Metamorphic 4:54 cover by Thennecan (06 Aug 2021) Harmony of a Hunter Returns

Links (1)

Other Databases

  1. https://ocremix.org/song/6413