

Creators (1)


  1. switchworks

Related Works (4)

Part Of

  1. エスプガルーダ

Is The Basis For

  1. Hatred —ずっとこの時を待っていた—
  2. Stage5
  3. cold like stone (remix)

Recordings (8)

  1. 巨大戦艦エリニエス: Stage3 4:01 by N.T (15 Mar 2004)
  2. 巨大戦艦エリニエス<Arranged> 5:48 by 相原隆行 (15 Mar 2004)
  3. エスプガルーダ - Stage3 4:11 cover by 岡部啓一 (28 Jan 2005) PS2
  4. 巨大戦艦エリエニス 3:56 cover by Wiz. (29 Apr 2006)
  5. 空ノ帝 5:24 cover by COOL&CREATE (31 Dec 2006)
  6. The Erinyes 7:51 cover by アツシオハラ (17 Aug 2007)
  7. 巨大戦艦エリエニス 3:45 cover by Wiz. (13 Oct 2008)
  8. 巨大戦艦エリエニス 1:17 cover by Wiz. (2009)