Hélas mon dueil, a ce cop sui je mort


Creators (1)


  1. Guillaume Dufay French 15th century composer

Recordings (3)

  1. Helas mon dueil 4:04 by Ensemble Unicorn (May 1996)
  2. Helas mon dueil, a ce cop sui je mort (virelai for 3 voices) 3:01 by The Medieval Ensemble of London (12 May 1997)
  3. Helas mon dueil, a ce cop sui Ie mort 3:04 by Studio der Frühen Musik (2000)

Links (2)

Other Databases

  1. https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb13934481n

Lyrics Page

  1. https://www.lieder.net/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=896