The Seasons: Finale (Prelude I)

Creators (1)


  1. John Cage American composer

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. The Seasons

Recordings (6)

  1. The Seasons, Ballet in One Act: Finale 1:09 by Joshua Pierce (1991)
  2. The Seasons: Finale (Prelude I) 0:56 by Margaret Leng Tan (18 Oct 1994)
  3. The Seasons: Finale (Prelude I) 0:53 by Steffen Schleiermacher (2001)
  4. The Seasons: Finale (Prelude I) 1:08 by Herbert Henck (07 Jun 2005)
  5. The Seasons: Finale (Prelude I Reprise) 0:49 by Francesco Tristano (18 Mar 2011)
  6. 四季〈ピアノ版〉 Finale (Prelude I) 0:54 by 高橋悠治 (25 May 2017)