Pictures at an Exhibition: No. 5 "Ballet of the Chickens in their Eggs"

catch-all for arrangements

Creators (1)


  1. Модест Петрович Мусоргский composer

Related Works (2)

Part Of

  1. Pictures at an Exhibition

Arrangement Of

  1. Pictures at an Exhibition: No. 5 “Балетъ невылупившихся птенцовъ” [Balet nevylupivshikhsya ptentsov]

Recordings (13)

  1. Pictures at an Exhibition: Ballet of the unhatched chicks 1:57 by Arthur Wills (1980)
  2. Pictures at an Exhibition: Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks 1:20 by Keith John (17 Feb 1988)
  3. Ballett der Küchlein in ihren Eierschalen 1:11 by Rolf Zuckowski (1992)
  4. Pictures at an Exhibition: No.5. Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks 1:32 by Sinfonia Lahti Cello and Bass Ensemble (1993)
  5. The Hut on Chicken’s Legs 3:26 instrumental, cover by Mekong Delta (1996) group version
  6. The Hut on Chicken’s Legs 3:26 instrumental, cover by Mekong Delta (1996) group plus orchestra version
  7. Pictures at an Exhibition: Ballet of the chickens in their egg‐scales 1:19 by Gerhard Eckle (1998)
  8. Ballett der Küken in ihren Eierschalen (Musik) 1:14 by Howard Griffiths (1999)
  9. Pictures at an Exhibition: VI. Ballet of the Hatching Chicks 1:26 by Chicago Brass Choir (1999)
  10. Pictures at an Exhibition: Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks 1:13 by Burning River Brass (2001)
  11. Pictures at an Exhibition: Ballet of the Chickens in Their Shells 1:11 by Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest (2003)
  12. Pictures at an Exhibition: Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks 1:24 by Glass Duo (01 Dec 2007)
  13. Pictures an an Exhibition: Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks 1:19 by Scott Brothers Duo (2017)