The Yeomen of the Guard: Act I. “When our gallant Norman foes” (Dame Carruthers, Yeomen)

Creators (2)


  1. Arthur Sullivan composer


  1. W.S. Gilbert librettist

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. The Yeomen of the Guard: Act I number

Recordings (4)

  1. When Our Gallant Norman Foes 4:06 by The D’Oyly Carte Opera Company (1966)
  2. The Yeomen of the Guard: Tower Warders - Gallant Norman Foes ?:?? by John Gregory (1966)
  3. Act I: No. 3 Song With Chorus: “When our gallant Norman foes” 4:12 partial by Arthur Sullivan (1998)
  4. Act I: No. 3 Song With Chorus: “Father! Has no reprieve arrived” 1:32 partial by Arthur Sullivan (1998)