Moody’s Mood for Love

1949 jazz instrumental

Creators (3)


  1. Dorothy Fields US Tin Pan Alley librettist and lyricist
  2. Jimmy McHugh songwriter
  3. James Moody jazz saxophonist


  1. フジパシフィックミュージック SBK事業部
  2. EMI Hastings Catalog Inc
  3. EMI Robbins Catalog Inc.
  4. ヤマハミュージックエンタテインメントホールディングス

Related Works (2)

Later Versions

  1. Moody’s Mood for Love

Is Based On

  1. I’m in the Mood for Love

Recordings (17)

  1. I'm in the Mood for Love 3:09 by James Moody (1957)
  2. Moody’s Mood 3:24 by James Moody (1973)
  3. Moody's Mood for Love 7:59 by James Moody (1976)
  4. Moody’s Mood 3:26 cover by George Benson (1980)
  5. Moody’s Mood for Love 2:48 by James Moody and His Swedish Crowns (1986)
  6. Moody's Mood Update: Improvisations on expanded chord progressions of I'm In The Mood For Love 7:35 by James Moody (1986)
  7. Moody's Mood for Love 4:42 cover by “Brother” Jack McDuff (1997)
  8. Moody's Mood for Love 6:15 by Bill Laswell (25 Aug 1998)
  9. Moody's Mood For Live (I'm In The Mood For Love) ?:?? by James Moody (1998)
  10. I'm in the Mood for Love (A.K.A. Moody's Mood for Love) 2:47 by James Moody (28 Sep 1999)
  11. Moody’s Mood for Love 2:50 cover by Amy Winehouse (2003)
  12. Moody’s Mood for Love 2:50 by Amy Winehouse (2003)
  13. I'm in the Mood for Love 2:49 by James Moody (2005)
  14. Moody’s Mood for Love 4:52 cover by Najee (14 Aug 2007)
  15. Moody’s Mood for Love 3:28 by Amy Winehouse (2008)
  16. I'm In The Mood For Love (Aka Moody's Mood For Love) 2:48 by James Moody (2009)
  17. I'm In The Mood For Love 2:52 by James Moody (16 Nov 2018)

Links (1)

