The Yeoman of the Guard: Act I, no. 4 “Alas! I Waver to and Fro” (Phœbe, Leonard, Meryll)

Creators (2)


  1. Arthur Sullivan composer


  1. W.S. Gilbert librettist

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. The Yeomen of the Guard: Act I number

Recordings (3)

  1. Act I: No. 4 Trio: “Atlas! I waver to and fro” 2:34 partial by Arthur Sullivan (1998)
  2. Act I: No. 4 Trio: “Nay, lass, be of good cheer” 0:48 partial by Arthur Sullivan (1998)
  3. Act I: No. 4 Trio: “Nay, pretty pne” / Act I: No. 5 Ballad: “Is life a boon?” 2:10 by Arthur Sullivan (1998)