The Yeoman of the Guard: Act II Finale, no. 22 “Comes the Pretty Young Bride…” (Ensemble)
Creators (2)
Arthur Sullivan
W.S. Gilbert
Related Works (6)
Part Of
The Yeomen of the Guard: Act II
The Yeoman of the Guard: Act II Finale, no. 22 “I Have a Song to Sing, O!” (Jack, Elsie, Chorus)
The Yeoman of the Guard: Act II Finale, no. 22 “Comes the Pretty Young Bride” (Chorus of Women)
The Yeoman of the Guard: Act II Finale, no. 22 “’tis Said That Joy in Full Perfection” (Phœbe, Elsie, Dame Carruthers)
The Yeoman of the Guard: Act II Finale, no. 22 “Oh, Day of Terror!” (Elsie, Fairfax, Chorus)
The Yeoman of the Guard: Act II Finale, no. 22 “Leonard, My Loved One” (Elsie, Fairfax, Chorus)
Recordings (1)
Act II: No. 10 Finale: “Comes the pretty young bride” / Trio: “’Tis said that joy” / Trio: “Hold, pretty one!”
Arthur Sullivan