Battle in the Splash Cave

Hydlide 3 (Super Hydlide)

 Also known as (1)

Creators (1)


  1. 冨田茂

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. Hydlide 3 (Super Hydlide)

Recordings (5)

  1. 禁断の洞窟でのBGM 1:23 by 冨田茂 (21 Jul 1988)
  2. Hydlide 3 [Battle In The Splash Cave] (禁断の洞窟) 2:03 cover by Wiz. (05 May 2005)
  3. Battle in the Splash Cave 4:14 cover by Eru (11 Aug 2012)
  4. Battle in the Splash Cave (禁断の洞窟でのBGM) 2:16 cover by 蒼い木の葉 (11 Aug 2012)
  5. Battle in the Splash Cave 2:29 by Shigeru Tomita (12 Mar 2016) The 16-Bit Audiophile Project bootleg game-rip