The Firebird: Disappearance of Kastchei’s Palace and Magical Creations - Return to Life of the Petrified Knights - General Rejoicing

Creators (2)


  1. Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский Russian composer


  1. Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский Russian composer

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. The Firebird

Recordings (2)

  1. The Firebird: Disappearance of Kastchei’s Palace and Magical Creations - Return to Life of the Petrified Knights - General Rejoicing 4:10 by İdil Biret (Jun 2003)
  2. The Firebird: Tableau II: Disappearance of Kashchei’s Palace and Magical Creations, Return to Life of the Petrified Knights, and General Rejoicing 3:20 by Maria Lettberg (15 Nov 2013)