My Home, Sweet Home

Vocal version of Final Fantasy V song

Creators (2)


  1. 植松伸夫 video game, film & anime composer known for Final Fantasy


  1. 前川嘉彦

Related Works (1)

Is Based On

  1. はるかなる故郷

Recordings (4)

  1. My Home, Sweet Home 3:28 by 植松伸夫 (25 Mar 1993) Final Fantasy V, Dear Friends
  2. Home Sweet Home (FF5) 2:26 cover by Lauren the flute (22 Jan 2013)
  3. Final Fantasy V - My Home, Sweet Home 2:39 cover by Matt Bollenbach (26 Apr 2015)
  4. Final Fantasy V - Home Sweet Home / Esperança do Amor 3:36 medley, cover by Ian Martyn (Jul 2021)