Bicinia Hungarica: Első füzet (Book 1)

Creators (1)


  1. Zoltán Kodály composer

Related Works (40)


  1. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 2. Ez a labam (This leg of mine)
  2. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 30. Egy, ketto, harom (One, Two, Three)
  3. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 25. Hatarozottan (Resolutely)
  4. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 18. Lendulettel (With spirit)
  5. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 27. Elenken (Vividly)
  6. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 32. Keine Angaben (In a hurry)
  7. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 11. Hej! Dunarol fuj a szel (The wind is blowing from the Danube)
  8. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 42. Feher liliomszal (White lily)
  9. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 45. Csutortokon hajnalba (At dawn on Thursday)
  10. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 42a. Feher liliomszal (White lily)
  11. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 10. Lassan (Slowly)
  12. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 14. Frissen (Briskly)
  13. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 16. Indulo (March)
  14. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 22. Elenken (Vividly)
  15. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 19. Jaj Istenem, a vilag (O my God, what this world is like)
  16. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 15. Lisztet penzen vettem (I paid money for flour)
  17. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 20. Kiszaradt a diofa (The walnut tree has died)
  18. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 50. Ho, te, Gyurka, ho te ho! (Hey, George)
  19. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 54. A taksonyi legenyek (The lads of Taksony)
  20. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 44. Bator lendulettel (With brave spirit)
  21. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 51. Tobbfele tempoban (In various tempi)
  22. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 47. Lassan (Slowly)
  23. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 51. Tobbfele tempoban (In various tempi)
  24. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 21. Viragzik a kokenyfa (The blackthorn is blooming)
  25. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 56. Nezd a bakat (Look at the foot-soldier)
  26. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 40. De meguntam Ferenc Jozsit szolgalni (I am tired of serving the Emperor)
  27. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 33. Esik eso, azik a heveder (It's raining, the girth is getting wet)
  28. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 37. Nem hitted, hogy katona leszek en (You didn't believe I'd become a soldier)
  29. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 39. Edesanyam kiallott a kapuba (My mother has stood at the gate)
  30. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 49. Nyugodtan (Quietly)
  31. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 53. Nyugodtan (Quietly)
  32. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 55 Lepest (At walking pace)
  33. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 35. Felsoszeli magas torony (The high spire of the village)
  34. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 24. A zserei temetobe' van egy to (There is a pond in the cemetery)
  35. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 23. Vasarhelyi piacon (At the town market)
  36. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 48. Misoxenia (Hatred of foreigners)
  37. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 34. Az igaz bolcs (The true sage)
  38. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 59. Leanyszepseg (Maiden beauty)
  39. Bicinia hungarica, Book 1: No. 60. Miatyank (Our Father)
  40. Bicinia Hungarica part of collection

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