Bicinia Hungarica: Második füzet (Book 2)

Creators (1)


  1. Zoltán Kodály composer

Related Works (29)


  1. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 62. Rozsa, rozsa, piros rozsa (Rose, rose, red rose)
  2. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 80. Csillagoknak teremtoje (Thou, Creator of stars)
  3. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 85. Leegett a galambhaznak teteje (The roof of the dovecote has burnt down)
  4. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 81. Annyi nekem az irigyem (There are so many who envy me)
  5. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 67. Tul a vizen egy kosar (Over the water there's a basket)
  6. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 94. Cintanyeron jo a cukros pogacsa (Sweet biscuits are good on a tin plate)
  7. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 87. Az maroti zabokba' (In the oat fields of Marot)
  8. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 98. Hej, a szegeny hagymale, hagymale (Hey, the poor onion juice)
  9. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 71. Ha felulok Kolozsvart a gozosbe (If I take the steam train at Kolozsvar)
  10. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 70. Nem messze van Zsombolyatol Tomosvar (I'll be a hussar in Tomosvar)
  11. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 68. Hej, onkentesen iratkoztam huszarnak (Hey! I became a hussar voluntarily)
  12. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 73. Sej, huszargyerek szereti a tancot (Hey, the hussar boy likes to dance)
  13. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 76. A kortefa feheret viragzik (The bloom of the pear tree is white)
  14. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 92. Eger felol jon a muszka hadsereg (The Russian army is coming from towards Eger)
  15. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 72. Ropulj pava, ropulj (Fly, peacock, fly)
  16. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 65. Azt hallottam en a heten (I've heard during the week)
  17. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 77. Mert jottetek videkiek? (Why did you come, you country folks?)
  18. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 78. Kis kece lanyom (My little pretty daughter is dressed in white)
  19. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 79. Hej! Tulipan, tulipan (Hey, tulip, tulip)
  20. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 90. Mikor en a kufferomat pakoltam (When I was packing my case)
  21. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 82. Elmegyek, elmegyek (I'm going away, I'm going away)
  22. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 97. Arva vagyok, arva (I'm an orphan)
  23. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 89. Fehervari reztoronyba (In the brass spire of Fehervar)
  24. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 91. Mikor engem a foorvos vizital (When the chief medical officer visits me)
  25. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 100. Sej! Verd meg Isten, ki a gozost csinalta (Hey, God damn the one who made the steam engine)
  26. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 88. Pozsonyi kaszarnya be van keritve (The army barracks of Pozsony is fenced off)
  27. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 95. Sej, haj magos a kaszarnya teteje (Hey, ho, the roof of the army barracks is high)
  28. Bicinia hungarica, Book 2: No. 96. Ki van tuzve Magyarorszag zaszloja (The Hungarian flag is hoisted)
  29. Bicinia Hungarica part of collection

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