Bicinia Hungarica: Harmadik füzet (Book 3)

Creators (1)


  1. Zoltán Kodály composer

Related Works (14)

Part Of

  1. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3: No. 113. Oh, mely felelem es rettegessel (Oh, How Dreadful and Fearful)
  2. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3: No. 114. Krisztus feltamada (Christ Has Risen)
  3. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3 (Lyrics: Bible - Old Testament): No. 115. Az Izrael ezt nyilvan mondhatja (Izrael can verily say this)
  4. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3 (Lyrics: Bible - Old Testament): No. 117. Nosza, ti istenfelo hivek (Go ahead, you God-fearing believers)
  5. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3: No. 120. Siralmas panasz (Ha megsokasodik a bun) - Grieving Lament (When Sin Multiples)
  6. Bicinia Hungarica part of collection
  7. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3: No. 105. Az ejszaka de szomorut almodtam (What a Bad Dream I Had at Night)
  8. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3: No. 93. Kis pej lovam megerdemli a zabot (My Little Bay Horse Deserves the Oat)
  9. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3: No. 108. Magas a kaszarnya (High Is the Military Barrack)
  10. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3: No. 110. Edesanyam ha megunt kend tartani (My Dear Mother, If You Are Tired of Providing for Me)
  11. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3: No. 109. Koszonto vers (Greeting Song)
  12. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3: No. 107. Arany, ezustert (For Gold, or Silver)
  13. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3: No. 102. Ha meghalok (If I Die)
  14. Bicinia Hungarica, Book 3: No. 104. Jaj de szepen harangoznak hajnalban (How Beautiful the Bells Are Ringing at Down)

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