Epistel No. 33 "Stolta Stad!"


Creators (1)


  1. Carl Michael Bellman Swedish poet, songwriter, composer and performer

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. Fredmans Epistlar part of collection

Recordings (5)

  1. Epistel No 33 "Stolta stad" 5:46 by Sven-Bertil Taube (1960)
  2. Stolta stad! 7:39 by Tommy Körberg (1994)
  3. Stolta stad 3:50 by Fred Åkerström (1997)
  4. Stolta stad 5:52 by Claes Janson (2001)
  5. FE n:o 33 Stolta stad! 2:32 by Lars Hedberg (2008)