Miss Mac Dermott

The Princess Royal

Creators (1)


  1. Toirdhealbhach Ó Cearbhalláin Turlough O’Carolan

Related Works (1)

Referred To In Medleys

  1. Hewlett / Princess Royal

Recordings (6)

  1. Dermott O'Dowd / The Queen's Dream 3:17 by Patrick Ball (1983)
  2. Miss Mac Dermott 2:19 by Soazig (1985)
  3. Abbotts Bromley / Princess Royal 3:20 by Carrie Crompton (1989)
  4. Princess Royal 2:18 by Steve Tilston (1992)
  5. The Princess Royal 3:32 by Dordán (22 Sep 1998)
  6. Carolan’s Devotion: Miss Macdermott (The Arethusa) (excerpt) 3:24 partial by The Harp Consort (2009)