In convertendo: Gai "Tunc repletum est gaudio os nostrum"

Creators (1)


  1. Jean‐Philippe Rameau French composer of the Baroque era

Related Works (1)

Part Of

  1. In convertendo

Recordings (4)

  1. In convertendo: Gai "Tunc repletum est gaudio os nostrum" 3:06 by Jean-Philippe Rameau (26 Oct 1994)
  2. In Convertendo: Chorus: Tunc Repletum Est 3:31 by Jean-Philippe Rameau (1997)
  3. In convertendo - Tunc repletum 3:07 by Jean-Philippe Rameau (18 Nov 2008)
  4. In convertendo Dominus: II. Chœur. "Tunc repletum est" 2:58 by Jean‐Philippe Rameau (25 Aug 2023)