Romantic Children


Creators (1)


  1. ZUN Team Shanghai Alice

Related Works (17)

Part Of

  1. 東方怪綺談 〜 Mystic Square.


  1. Lullaby for Lost child
  2. 魔法の国のアリス 〜near death Happiness
  3. innocent breaker
  4. オートマトン

Is The Basis For

  1. Romantic Children
  2. Solitude Children
  4. アリスは静かに暮らしたい
  5. ぐりもあ。
  6. Crows, Before the Dawn
  8. 魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました
  9. あの日の夢のアリス
  10. アーティフィシャル・チルドレン
  11. 間抜けな水上バス
  12. Eryngiusis

Recordings (26)

  1. Romantic Children 5:02 by ZUN (30 Dec 1998)
  2. Romantic Children 3:46 cover by 絃奏水琴樂章 (16 Aug 2005)
  3. 西方チルドレン 7:38 cover by danmaq (30 Dec 2005)
  4. Das Spiel des Mädchen, Die Traumerei des Mädchen 4:34 cover by 絃奏水琴樂章 (31 Dec 2006)
  5. Romantic Children 5:13 by 上海アリス幻樂団 (31 Dec 2006) ??????2
  6. Love colloid 4:32 cover by M2ind Manufactory (16 Aug 2008)
  7. 流星ロマンチカ 4:07 cover by TLi-synth (30 Dec 2009)
  8. Ultimate Magic 4:45 cover by Bach (14 Mar 2010)
  9. 荊棘に眠るこころ 3:26 cover by El Dorado (08 May 2011)
  10. 私と私のシュールレアリズム 4:42 cover by El Dorado (08 May 2011)
  11. Romantic DS-10 4:02 cover by スタジオネネム (08 May 2011)
  12. MIRACLE KISS ?:?? cover by UnLimited Questions (22 May 2011)
  13. Unicornis Children 5:19 cover by vorbis (30 Dec 2011)
  14. 幻想郷交通情報センタ(Direct Audio) 4:03 cover by flap+frog (30 Dec 2011)
  15. GSK-FM 04(PKR Remix) 6:36 cover by flap+frog (29 Apr 2014)
  16. Romantic Children 5:15 cover by あぶらあげ (16 Aug 2014)
  17. アリス詰め合わせ 4:24 cover by mocchie (24 Nov 2014)
  18. RomanticChildren〜ほんわかアレンジ 3:33 cover by Serra (07 May 2017)
  19. 小さな木漏れ日 / Calm Forest 3:30 cover by tripper (07 May 2017)
  20. ゆるいかいわきょく #01 1:32 cover by tripper (07 May 2017)
  21. Eutectic Age ?:?? cover by izna (10 Aug 2018)
  22. パリピフラン ?:?? cover by モリモリあつし (10 Aug 2018)
  23. Aurora (Original Mix) 3:38 cover by Matthiola Records (15 Dec 2018)
  24. Romantic Child's Tracker 5:09 cover by Nocturnal Aura (16 Jul 2019)
  25. Nostalgic Fantasy of a Child 3:45 cover by Nocturnal Aura (16 Jul 2019)
  26. Revenge in Bucharest: –Outro/Duction– ("False" Edition!) 3:03 cover by Nocturnal Aura (16 Jul 2019)