

Creators (1)


  1. あきやまうに

Related Works (9)

Part Of

  1. 東方緋想天 〜 Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.


  1. Life
  2. Rainy, rainy days
  3. Encrypted interface II
  4. Restart

Is The Basis For

  1. Heaven's Departure
  2. Heaven's Departure -for the dreaming future-
  3. Happy Happy SUMMER!!
  4. 組曲「我儘天人」

Recordings (13)

  1. 茜色の丘 4:06 cover by こなぐすり (16 Aug 2008)
  2. 東方緋想天 3:47 by あきやまうに (16 Aug 2008) Arrange Disc
  3. Rising Scarlet 4:56 cover by IRON ATTACK! (30 Dec 2008)
  4. key of light 3:57 cover by Kraster (08 Mar 2009)
  5. 純桜華 4:17 cover by Cororo (08 Mar 2009)
  6. 東方緋想天 -つづく宴- 3:36 cover by 狐の工作室 (08 Mar 2009)
  7. Intermezzo Night ~Sweet and Lowdown~ 1:36 cover by 発熱巫女〜ず (08 Mar 2009)
  8. Electech Raphsody 3:58 cover by TAMUSIC (15 Aug 2009)
  9. Anthurium Breakable 5:53 cover by Sound Online (30 Dec 2009)
  10. Crime Wave 4:29 cover by REDALiCE (14 Mar 2010)
  11. Rising Scarlet 5:00 cover by IRON ATTACK! (05 May 2010)
  12. 緋天の果てに 4:04 cover by カイリス (30 Apr 2017)
  13. Einleitendes Kapitel ~Introduction 2:17 cover by 稗田阿樹 (07 May 2017)