Vena Portae (01 Jan 2011 - )

Group - Anglo-Swedish alt-folk/americana

Releases (1)



  1. Vena Portae 17 Aug 2014

Relationships (3)


  1. Dom Coyote
  2. Ruben Engzell
  3. Emily Barker

Recordings by (26)

  1. Summer Kills 3:05 (17 Aug 2014)
  2. Before the Winter Came 3:24 (17 Aug 2014)
  3. Foal 3:19 (17 Aug 2014)
  4. Solitary Wives 2:36 (17 Aug 2014)
  5. Turning Key 3:16 (17 Aug 2014)
  6. Transatlantic 4:27 (17 Aug 2014)
  7. Flames & Fury 2:42 (17 Aug 2014)
  8. Magpie’s Carol 2:13 (17 Aug 2014)
  9. Stingrays 3:23 (17 Aug 2014)
  10. Summer Kills (Peter Morén remix) 3:09 (17 Aug 2014)
  11. Summer Kills (Peter Moren extended remix) 4:44 (18 Aug 2014)
  12. Solitary Wives (Ali Friend's Seabass remix) 5:30 (18 Aug 2014)
  13. Transatlantic (Emmy's Unicorn remix) 4:35 (18 Aug 2014)
  14. Flames & Fury (Atlas Crease remix) 4:30 (18 Aug 2014)
  15. The Mapless Sea (The Courage remix) 4:40 (18 Aug 2014)
  16. All Will Be Well (Cherif Hashizume remix) 4:17 (18 Aug 2014)
  17. Turning Key (The Bitch remix) 4:56 (18 Aug 2014)
  18. The Mapless Sea (Full Colour remix) 3:32 (18 Aug 2014)
  19. Stingrays (Like Swimming remix) 3:37 (18 Aug 2014)
  20. Flames & Fury (Roxby's Wonky remix) 3:34 (18 Aug 2014)
  21. Flames and Fury 2:42 (18 Aug 2014)
  22. Magpie's Carol 2:13 (18 Aug 2014)
  23. The Mapless Sea 3:20 (18 Aug 2014)
  24. All Will Be Well 2:49 (18 Aug 2014)
  25. Boys 3:25 (18 Aug 2014)
  26. Sidereal 2:16 (18 Aug 2014)

On Recordings (36)


  1. Stingrays 3:23 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  2. Transatlantic 4:27 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  3. The Mapless Sea 3:20 Vena Portae featuring Christian Kjellvander (17 Aug 2014)
  4. Summer Kills 3:05 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  5. Magpie’s Carol 2:13 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  6. Turning Key 3:16 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  7. Flames & Fury 2:42 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  8. Foal 3:19 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  9. Solitary Wives 2:36 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  10. Before the Winter Came 3:24 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  11. All Will Be Well 2:48 Vena Portae featuring Christian Kjellvander (17 Aug 2014)
  12. Summer Kills (Peter Morén remix) 3:09 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)

Recording Engineer For

  1. Turning Key 3:16 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  2. Flames & Fury 2:42 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  3. The Mapless Sea 3:20 Vena Portae featuring Christian Kjellvander (17 Aug 2014)
  4. Before the Winter Came 3:24 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  5. Transatlantic 4:27 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  6. All Will Be Well 2:48 Vena Portae featuring Christian Kjellvander (17 Aug 2014)
  7. Solitary Wives 2:36 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  8. Summer Kills 3:05 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  9. Foal 3:19 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  10. Magpie’s Carol 2:13 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  11. Stingrays 3:23 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  12. Summer Kills (Peter Morén remix) 3:09 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)


  1. Magpie’s Carol 2:13 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  2. All Will Be Well 2:48 Vena Portae featuring Christian Kjellvander (17 Aug 2014)
  3. Flames & Fury 2:42 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  4. Solitary Wives 2:36 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  5. Stingrays 3:23 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  6. Foal 3:19 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  7. Transatlantic 4:27 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  8. Summer Kills 3:05 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  9. The Mapless Sea 3:20 Vena Portae featuring Christian Kjellvander (17 Aug 2014)
  10. Turning Key 3:16 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  11. Before the Winter Came 3:24 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)
  12. Summer Kills (Peter Morén remix) 3:09 Vena Portae (17 Aug 2014)

Credited as (2)

  1. Vena Portae
  2. Vena Portae featuring Christian Kjellvander

Works (11)


  1. Summer Kills
  2. Before the Winter Came
  3. Foal
  4. Solitary Wives
  5. Turning Key
  6. Flames & Fury
  7. Magpie’s Carol
  8. Stingrays
  9. The Mapless Sea
  10. All Will Be Well
  11. Summer Kills (Peter Morén remix)

Links (5)

Official Homepages


Social Networking


Youtube Channels
