Emile Belcourt (27 Jun 1926 - 03 Aug 2017)

Male Person - Canada Operatic tenor

Recordings by (4)

  1. Some Enchanted Evening 2:58 (1995)
  2. The Rhinegold: Scene 2: Never One Word of Praise or Thanks! (Loge) 2:52 (17 Apr 2001)
  3. The Rhinegold: Scene 2: But One I Found Then (Loge) 2:02 (17 Apr 2001)
  4. The Rhinegold: Scene 3: Now Swiftly Up! (Loge) - Orchestral Interlude 4:46 (17 Apr 2001)

On Recordings (33)


  1. Lakmé : Acte II. « Le maître ne pense qu’à sa vengeance » 1:45 Emile Belcourt, Orchestre national de l'Opéra de Monte-Carlo, Richard Bonynge (1989) tenor vocals
  2. Street Scene: Act II, Finale. No. 22c "Ain't it awful, the heat?" 1:11 Emile Belcourt, Meriel Dickinson, Fiona Kimm, Orchestra of the Scottish Opera, John Mauceri (1991) tenor vocals
  3. Lakmé : Acte I. « Dʼoù viens‐tu ? … Cʼest le dieu de la jeunesse » 8:45 Gabriel Bacquier, Emile Belcourt, Monte-Carlo Opera Chorus, Joan Sutherland, Alain Vanzo, Orchestre National de lʼOpéra de Monte‐Carlo, Richard Bonynge (1993) tenor vocals
  4. The Rhinegold: Scene 4: Am I Now Free? (Alberich, Loge, Wotan), "Alberich's Curse" 4:27 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Derek Hammond-Stroud (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  5. The Rhinegold: Scene 4: Wait! Don't Touch Her Yet! (Fasolt, Wotan, Fafner, Loge, Froh) 3:12 Robert Lloyd, Norman Bailey, Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Clifford Grant (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  6. The Rhinegold: Scene 3: What Help for Me? (Mime, Loge, Wotan) 5:06 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Gregory Dempsey (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  7. The Rhinegold: Scene 2: A Toy, While It Was in the Waters (Loge, Wotan, Fricka) 2:01 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Katherine Pring (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  8. The Rhinegold: Scene 4: Freia, the Fair One, See I No More (Fasolt, Fafner, Loge, Wotan, Freia, Fricka, Froh, Donner) 3:07 Robert Lloyd, Norman Bailey, Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Clifford Grant, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring, Lois McDonall (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  9. The Rhinegold: Scene 2: Never One Word of Praise or Thanks! (Loge) 2:52 Emile Belcourt (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  10. The Rhinegold: Scene 3: Now Swiftly Up! (Loge) - Orchestral Interlude 4:46 Emile Belcourt (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  11. The Rhinegold: Scene 4: Rhinegold! Rhinegold! (Woglinde, Wellgunde, Flosshilde, Wotan, Loge), "Entry of the Gods Into Valahlla" - Orchestral Postlude 4:53 Valerie Masterson, Norman Bailey, Helen Attfield, Shelagh Squires, Emile Belcourt (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  12. The Rhinegold: Scene 4: The Gold Lies There - Now Let Me Go (Alberich, Loge, Wotan) 6:37 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Derek Hammond-Stroud (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  13. The Rhinegold: Scene 3: All Must Stand in Amazement (Loge, Alberich) 4:58 Emile Belcourt, Derek Hammond-Stroud (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  14. The Rhinegold: Scene 4: Stop, You Greedy One! (Fasolt, Fafner, Loge, Wotan) 2:25 Robert Lloyd, Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt,Clifford Grant (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  15. The Rhinegold: Scene 2: Over Rock and Stone They Stride (Loge, Fricka, Donner, Froh) 3:07 Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  16. The Rhinegold: Scene 2: I See Now! Hear What Is Wrong! (Loge, Fricka) 3:13 Emile Belcourt, Katherine Pring (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  17. The Rhinegold: Scene 3: What Brought You Here? (Alberich, Wotan, Loge) 3:32 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Derek Hammond-Stroud (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  18. The Rhinegold: Scene 4: Fasolt and Fafner Come This Way (Loge, Froh, Donner, Fricka) 3:08 Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  19. The Rhinegold: Scene 4: There, Alberich, Sit On Your Throne! (Loge, Alberich, Wotan) 2:53 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Derek Hammond-Stroud (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  20. The Rhinegold: Scene 4: Your Luck, Wotan, What Could Surpass It (Loge, Wotan, Fricka) 2:25 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Katherine Pring (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  21. The Rhinegold: Scene 2: So I Promised I'd Tell You the Story (Loge, Wotan, Fasolt, Fafner) 1:05 Robert Lloyd, Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt,Clifford Grant (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  22. The Rhinegold: Scene 4: Evening Rays Flood the Sky With Splendour (Wotan, Fricka, Loge) 4:22 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Katherine Pring (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  23. The Rhinegold: Scene 2: What? How Am I Concerned in a Contract? (Loge, Wotan, Fricka, Froh, Donner, Fafner, Fasolt) 4:15 Robert Lloyd, Norman Bailey, Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Clifford Grant, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  24. The Rhinegold: Scene 2: But One I Found Then (Loge) 2:02 Emile Belcourt (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  25. The Rhinegold: Scene 2: And I Should Possess It! (Wotan, Loge, Donner, Froh, Fricka, Fafner) 4:38 Norman Bailey, Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Clifford Grant, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  26. The Rhinegold: Scene 3: Nibelheim Here (Loge, Mime, Wotan) 1:45 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Gregory Dempsey (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  27. The Rhinegold: Scene 4: Far Too Loose You're Piling the Gold (Fafner, Loge, Wotan, Fricka, Donner) 2:44 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Clifford Grant, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  28. The Rhinegold: Scene 3: In the Clouds, You Great Ones (Alberich, Wotan, Loge) 3:23 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Derek Hammond-Stroud (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  29. The Rhinegold: Scene 2: Come, Loge, Descend With Me! (Wotan, Loge, Donner, Froh, Fricka) - (orchestral interlude) 5:11 Norman Bailey, Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  30. The Rhinegold: Scene 3: Ohe! Ohe! Terrible Dragon (Loge, Wotan, Alberich) 3:35 Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Derek Hammond-Stroud (17 Apr 2001) tenor vocals
  31. Don Carlos : Acte IV. « Mon fils, reprenez votre épée » ?:?? Richard van Allan, BBC Singers, Emile Belcourt, Joseph Rouleau, André Turp, Michèle Vilma, BBC Concert Orchestra, John Matheson (2002) tenor vocals
  32. Don Carlos : Acte IV. « Le Grand Inquisiteur ! » ?:?? Richard van Allan, Emile Belcourt, Joseph Rouleau, BBC Concert Orchestra, John Matheson (2002) tenor vocals
  33. Don Carlos : Acte I. « O chants de fête et d'allégresse » ?:?? BBC Singers, Emile Belcourt, Edith Tremblay, André Turp, BBC Concert Orchestra, John Matheson (2002) tenor vocals

Credited as (22)

  1. Richard Wagner; Reginald Goodall, Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Derek Hammond-Stroud
  2. Robert Lloyd, Norman Bailey, Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Clifford Grant, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring
  3. Emile Belcourt
  4. Robert Lloyd, Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt,Clifford Grant
  5. Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Katherine Pring
  6. Norman Bailey, Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Clifford Grant, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring
  7. Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring
  8. Emile Belcourt, Katherine Pring
  9. Norman Bailey, Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring
  10. Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Gregory Dempsey
  11. Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Derek Hammond-Stroud
  12. Emile Belcourt, Derek Hammond-Stroud
  13. Robert Lloyd, Norman Bailey, Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Clifford Grant
  14. Norman Bailey, Emile Belcourt, Clifford Grant, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring
  15. Robert Lloyd, Norman Bailey, Robert Ferguson, Emile Belcourt, Clifford Grant, Norman Welsby, Katherine Pring, Lois McDonall
  16. Valerie Masterson, Norman Bailey, Helen Attfield, Shelagh Squires, Emile Belcourt
  17. BBC Singers, Emile Belcourt, Edith Tremblay, André Turp, BBC Concert Orchestra, John Matheson
  18. Richard van Allan, Emile Belcourt, Joseph Rouleau, BBC Concert Orchestra, John Matheson
  19. Richard van Allan, BBC Singers, Emile Belcourt, Joseph Rouleau, André Turp, Michèle Vilma, BBC Concert Orchestra, John Matheson
  20. Emile Belcourt, Meriel Dickinson, Fiona Kimm, Orchestra of the Scottish Opera, John Mauceri
  21. Gabriel Bacquier, Emile Belcourt, Monte-Carlo Opera Chorus, Joan Sutherland, Alain Vanzo, Orchestre National de lʼOpéra de Monte‐Carlo, Richard Bonynge
  22. Emile Belcourt, Orchestre national de l'Opéra de Monte-Carlo, Richard Bonynge

Links (7)

Other Databases

  1. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n84227356
  2. https://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n84227356


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/2803189


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0001606982


  1. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0067666/


  1. http://viaf.org/viaf/60497719


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q41951889