Micropoint (1995 - )

Group - France

Releases (10)



  1. Neurophonie 1999
  2. Anesthesie International 05 Dec 2000
  3. Overdose United 05 May 2008
  4. Exit Mankind Nov 2011
  5. Junk Box 06 May 2019

Album - Compilation

  1. Remontées 28 Feb 2005


  1. My Computer 1999


  1. Hardbreak Jun 1996
  2. C'est tout 1997
  3. Mastodont EP 2000

Relationships (2)


  1. Radium
  2. Al Core

Recordings by (121)

  1. Hardbreak ?:?? (Jun 1996)
  2. Triceratops ?:?? (Jun 1996)
  3. Massilia Trash ?:?? (Jun 1996)
  4. Armor Battle ?:?? (Jun 1996)
  5. Return of the T Rex 2:48 (1996)
  6. Return of the T-Rex 6:04 (1996)
  7. Silence of Death 5:46 (1997)
  8. Noise Gate 1:47 (1997)
  9. Ping Machine 5:06 (1997)
  10. In the Haunted House... 5:06 (1997)
  11. Anti nazi vendetta (Part 1) 5:35 (1997)
  12. Pied de porc ! 5:42 (1997)
  13. Anti nazi vendetta (Part 2) 0:55 (1997)
  14. ZEQ 9 5:55 (1997)
  15. Dishwasher 4:47 (1997)
  16. Auto Flagelation 5:10 (1998)
  17. UR Blood 4:50 (1998)
  18. My Computer 5:36 (1999)
  19. Static Anger 5:10 (1999)
  20. Slow Scratch 1:47 (1999)
  21. Neurojuice 4:02 (1999)
  22. Dosage Correct? 4:14 (1999)
  23. Bloque Cerveau (I Shouldn’t Have Taken Two at Once) 2:22 (1999)
  24. Lunatic Park 4:13 (1999)
  25. Dr Malsain’s Gonna Measure Your Foam Trace on the Millimetric Paper 2:50 (1999)
  26. Run With The Dogs 4:27 (1999)
  27. Farmsex Com 3:52 (1999)
  28. The Final 0:56 (1999)
  29. Dosage correct ? 4:15 (1999)
  30. Data Cops 3:59 (1999)
  31. Serotonin 4:14 (1999)
  32. Stimulation Binaire 4:01 (1999)
  33. Noise Theater 4:13 (1999)
  34. Bloque Cerveau 2:22 (1999)
  35. New Therapy 4:09 (1999)
  36. Cycling Room 3:41 (1999)
  37. Dr Malsain's 2:52 (1999)
  38. Farmsex.com 3:52 (1999)
  39. Die, Vermin... 4:20 (1999)
  40. The Final... 1:12 (1999)
  41. E-Man 4:18 (20 Jun 2000)
  42. Lock 0:27 (05 Dec 2000)
  43. Antidote 4:21 (05 Dec 2000)
  44. Hate Supply 4:06 (05 Dec 2000)
  45. Time Out 4:15 (05 Dec 2000)
  46. The Show Is Under Control 4:07 (05 Dec 2000)
  47. Specimen 225 4:30 (05 Dec 2000)
  48. Quad Damage, Part 1 4:47 (05 Dec 2000)
  49. Quad Damage, Part 2 4:19 (05 Dec 2000)
  50. Anesthésie International 2:31 (05 Dec 2000)
All Recordings By Results >>

On Recordings (1)


  1. L'Empereur Tomato Ketchup 4:50 Micropoint (14 May 2007)

Credited as (9)

  1. Micropoint
  2. 3D/Guiz Ohm & Micropoint
  3. Micropoint feat. Oliver Chesler aka The Horrorist
  4. Micropoint feat. Lenny Dee
  5. Micropoint feat. VX
  6. DJ Tieum Featuring: Micropoint & Nhonda
  7. Mustard Pimp ft. Micropoint
  8. Hellfish vs Micropoint
  9. Micropoint & Hellfish

Events (1)

Main Performer At

  1. [Overdose United] Release Party

Links (9)


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micropoint


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/17446


  1. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0001892580


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3312263

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/0PWktSXIpTcyqFqOjSXUqU
  2. https://www.deezer.com/artist/87634

Streaming Page

  1. https://music.apple.com/gb/artist/121476976

Social Networking

  1. https://www.facebook.com/Micropoint-22968133771


  1. https://myspace.com/micropointhardcore